King of Morocco refuse phone call request of Nigerian Authorities

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Rabat – Following a request by the Nigerian authorities for a telephone conversation between King Mohammed VI and the Nigerian President, the Sovereign has not seen fit to grant this request, since the approach is related to important elections in this country, said Friday a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, which is the following:

“The Nigerian authorities, through the Office of the President, submitted a request for a telephone conversation between the President of this country and His Majesty the King, Allah assist him, and sending an emissary to Morocco.

His Majesty the King has not seen fit to grant that request because the process is linked to important elections in the country and might suggest a rapprochement between Morocco and Nigeria, and because of the positions the country with regard to national causes and sacred Muslim Arab.

The request of the Nigerian authorities is more akin to an act of recovery Muslim electorate of this country that normal diplomatic approach. ”


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