Eid al Adha on September 23 in Most Countries and 24 in Morocco

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Several Muslim countries will celebrate Eid El Adha on 23 September in particular the United Arab Emirates or Egypt. These two countries are based on calculations of the astronomers in their respective countries to say that the observation of the new moon should be 13 September. Therefore on the day of Arafat should coincide in the majority of Muslim countries with the date of September 22, 2015 which will make Eid El Adha celebrated on September 23.

In Morocco, according to the president of the Astronomical Observatory Ribat Al Fath Rabat, Kadiri Samir, quoted by the website Media 24, the new moon marking the end of the month of Dhu al-Qiida should be observed on September 14 half northern kingdom. This will start the Dhul-Hijja month September 15th. As a result Al Adha Eid which falls on Dhul-Hijjah 10 should be celebrated Thursday, September 24, 2015.


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