Morocco Royal Air aims to Strengthen Aviation Between Brazil and Africa

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Brasilia – The national carrier Royal Air Morocco (RAM) aims to enhance aviation frequency between Brazil and Africa through the establishment of a partnership with the Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur ).

To do this, a meeting was held recently in Brasilia between the Director of the RAM in Brazil, Mr. Mehdi El Yaalaoui, and the president of Embratur, M.Vinicius Lummertz, focused on ways to promote the flow of tourists flowing between Brazil and Africa.

According to a statement of Embratur, a federal agency linked to the Brazilian Tourism Ministry, the two sides agreed to work on a joint action proposal to promote Brazilian offer in Africa during the next Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The idea is initially to establish a Embratur communication campaign on the Olympics Rio 2016 with operators and local distributors of RAM country of activity in Africa.

“The Olympic Games is a rendezvous largest in the world and Africa is very involved in. The African athletes are famous worldwide and many fans are willing to follow them, hence the importance such an initiative, “Mr. El Yaalaoui said.

“The African market is very promising in that it has 500 million consumers,” he added, highlighting the various opportunities offered by this market but also by the Royal Air Morocco, which has a large hub in Africa with nearly 30 countries served.

For his part, the president of the Brazilian Tourism Institute noted that the promotion of Brazil-Africa connection is certainly one Morocco. “Today, integration with Africa through Royal Air Morocco. We have the opportunity to ride that air flow can benefit people but also to trade relations,” he said.

According to Embrateur data, nearly 124,252 tourists from Africa visited Brazil during the World Cup in 2014 against 94,832 in 2013.

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