Azoulay in Canada: Centuries-old Ties between Islam and Judaism in Morocco

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Montreal – Mr. André Azoulay, His Majesty the King Advisor, highlighted Monday night in Montreal, the centuries-old ties between Islam and Judaism in Morocco, as well as the uniqueness and richness of the Moroccan plural identity, nurtured and shaped by the convergence of its various tributaries and components.

Mr. Azoulay, who was speaking at a conference under the theme “Morocco, another story for another future in Islam” organized by the “Memory and Dialogue” Association, stressed that Morocco is ” rich of a great Jewish history “, enriched by the sharing, exchange and the natural and constant contact for centuries between Imams and Rabbis, adding that” beyond the ground link, Moroccan Jews, wherever they are present, claim their attachment to United and claim that fidelity to their identity, their heritage and Moroccan culture. ”

Before a learned assembly of personalities from various backgrounds, Azoulay stressed that “Moroccan exception”, while declaring his pride to share his Moroccan, rich in a variety “desired and assumed”, and to be at the After Arabic, Berber and Jewish, “in these times of collective step back, isolationism and archaism that undermine the community of nations,” recalling that Islam and Judaism have coexisted over a thousand years in the Kingdom, and got rich, fed, molded and fashioned another.

In this sense, he said that the Moroccan Jewish has no “reluctance or state of mind” when it asserts its identity or its Moroccan roots, arguing that no one can deny the different facets of the Moroccan identity or ignore this diversity, otherness and complexity that characterize the Moroccan society.

It has, in this regard, recalled that aid to the Jewish people during the Second World War came from Morocco first, before other countries such as Tunisia and Turkey follow suit, adding that during the period of the Inquisition, the Jewish families also found refuge with Muslim Moroccan families.

The Sovereign Adviser also took the opportunity to highlight the content of the 2011 Constitution, which is “unique in the world” to say that the history of a country was written by the contribution of identity Berber, the great Muslim civilization, the Jewish civilization and various other tributaries, including African and Andalusian, adding that “we are today before a national consensus reality that has found expression in the massive vote Moroccans in favor of this new Basic Law. ”

According to Azoulay, this “constitutional reality”, which is enshrined in the Basic Law of the Kingdom, is a “unique breakthrough of social modernity” realized by Moroccans, for this long journey, have overcome “the irréfragabilité” the history of the Kingdom in order “not to ignore, marginalize or stigmatize Morocco in one of its components” and thereby resist any form of manipulation or exploitation.

And Advisor SM King concluded that “it is the duty of each of us to take action and participate to preserve and sustain the momentum” and to mobilize the generations for “resist amnesia of some and the temptations of others. “.

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