Algeria: journalist in Hunge strike against unfair imprisonment

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Algiers-. The Algerian journalist Abdelhai Abdessamiaa placed in prison without trial for 14 months in Tebessa, began Wednesday a hunger strike against his imprisonment, following the refusal of his request for provisional freedom, his family said.

“Abdessamiaa informed me Tuesday that he will start a hunger strike if he is denied a bail,” said his wife, quoted by local media. Charged with “failure to report a person wanted by the justice,” the former correspondent of the Arabic-language daily “Djaridati” which ceased publication, is accused of facilitating the escape from the Tunisian border to the Director of time, Hicham Aboud, while he was on probation.
Mr. Aboud, writer-journalist, had denounced the relentlessness of the justice of his country against him, following the publication, May 15, 2013 by its two daily + + and + My Journal Djaridati + an article on hospitalization President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in France. Mr. Aboud is indeed prosecuted for “undermining state security to national unity, stability and proper functioning of the institutions”, after reporting the degradation of the health of the head of the state.
The “Avaaz” global network has launched a petition to collect as many signatures calling for the release of Abdelhaï Abdessamia, a journalist with Radio Tebessa. “Avaaz” calls on the Algerian authorities to allow Abdelhaï Abdessamia “to receive a fair trial to defend himselves in court.” The global network of human rights in line focuses on “the deterioration of psychological and physical health of a prisoner whose basic rights have been violated.” journaliste algérien Abdelhai Abdessamiaa

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